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11-10-2010, 04:35 PM
Vietnam stands for the victims of the Axis of Evil’s scam. Stemmed from the OSS covert operation by Agent 019, Lucien Conein in 1945 was the beginning of U.S had one’ eye on Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh engaged OSS in 1943, US Service of War Information. Impossibly, Ho wasn’t a gifted of miraculous prophecy that US will become an unsavory traitor from trust to tragedy. That coordinated in their effort performances overlapped into China mainland to help evacuated Chiang Kai-Shek’s followers to Taiwan by the First-Flight evolved from the Civil Air Transport Service (CATS) a CIA airline founded in 1949. In 1954 CATS re-supplied encircled French paratroopers at Dien Bien Phu (pretended to be as a perfect U.S loyal ally) then in 1958 supported a coup attempt against Indonesian strongman Sukarno. CATS thin cover side apparently became the well-known Air America while its deep cover side became Nationalist China’s 34th Squadron at Taiwan.
The crucial objective was how blown-up in liquidation all ‘surplus’ of war equipment cast-off World War II, American weapons and military equipment. For WIB’ stirrer, as the result, on March 6, 1946, OSS Colonel Alfred Kitts witnessed the first French troop who enter the north Vietnam come ashore at Haiphong. They look like US Army. They were wearing helmet, packs, ammunitions, belts, fatigues and boots. The landing crafts from which they unload were American made and so were their heavy weapons vehicles, and the other equipment the US had originally give Charles De Gaulle free-French under the Lend-Lease Act to fight the Nazis and the Japanese – to resume colonialist-war to dominated regime, once again at Vietnam, but the WIB’ objective was becoming the American foreign legionary due to U.S military-aid 75%. Meanwhile it was almost about 60 undeveloped countries around the world restored their independent, except Vietnam because of the greediest Harriman and his warlords in the WIB want to stir the second Indochinese war 1954-1975 for the CIP scam.
In 1943 Ho Chi Minh engaged the US Service of War Information, Kunming, China, with three directives on: (1) retreated to sanctuary Pat-Po against Japanese fascism. (2) Cooperate with French forces to eliminate National parties and revolution movements. (On 12, July, 1946, General Giap with French artillery, tank ground support attacked headquarter of VNQDD; “Des journées inoubliables” Giap, French-transcribes HN 1975, p.290-295) (3) Vigilant struggle against French force for restored freedom and independent. Vietnam maybe out of US made war-disaster during nine years with French by gradually from self-governed to independent. Though its ambition, French must let Vietnam having its sovereign territory as India, Indonesia… from colonialist Western-nations – Comply with Directive-3, on December, 3/1946 Ho ordered secretly withdrawn out of Hanoi for self-destructive in long struggle deadly against French colonialism. A stage hence, Harriman deprived of Vietnam’s independence for the selfish interest of the War Industries Board clique. Deeply in his masterminded “Freedom is not for free!” and “what you get… what you pay” as similarity of the historical United States. Purposely, W Harriman would like Hanoi leadership was like an Indochinese version of Skull and Bones, secretive and select. While he was not exactly in the club, he was generally trusted by its WIB Bones.
The OSS had found the Viet Minh the only Vietnamese resistance group sufficiently well organized and widespread within Vietnam to provide good intelligence on the Japanese to rescue American pilots and conduct sabotage and other behind the lines operations. The OSS had parachuted a training mission to one of Ho’ wartime headquarters in the rugged jungle country north of the Red River delta and had provided 1,000 Carbines, submachine BAR guns, and other weapons to arm the original Viet Minh formations. As a member of OSS, Ho ordered the Vietnamese officers let their troops to try to distinguish Colonel Alfred Kitts’s team from the large number of French in city and not to shoot at the Americans. This became increasingly difficult for the average Viet Minh soldier, despite the US Army markings and American flag on the teams’ vehicles, as more French troops arrived, the French demands grew proportionately, and the shooting incidents proliferated. “How do you tell a French from American when the Frenchman is driving the same uniform”
Because the WIB [CIA] need go to war and coaxed Ho had agreed to let the French station garrison in Haiphong, Hanoi, and the other towns of the north only because he otherwise faced an invasion, he had received in exchange a promise of limited independence, the French had quickly begun to dishonor that promise. They were incidents of shooting almost immediately. The Viet Minh officers and troop were angered at the arrival of the French. However, they remained friendly to Kitts and his fellows Americans. Ridiculously, they still seemed to regard Colonel Kitts and his teammates as their allies as different from the colonists.

A Victory hijacked by the Axis of Evil’ scam or a cunning stratagem; Ambitiously, initiated by the Skull and Bones Dynasty, after World War-II, the inherent ideological conflict between the two strongest powers in the world, the United States (policymaker was A Harriman, a founder of Skull and Bones) and the Soviet Union, was revived. The so called ideological competition was basically between Capitalism (US) and Communism (Soviet Union) to avoid another world war (nuclear-war maybe) the conflict between the two powers became what was known as the “Cold-War” The rivalry between the two ideologies rapidly expanded beyond Europe and began to influence Asia in the second chunk of EurAsian Great Game. In China, Mao Zedong, who had been sympathetic to the Soviet Union, seized power on October 1, 1949 and announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Subsequently, the PRC and the Soviet Union signed the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance on February 17, 1950. Literally, President Harry S Truman was seriously concerned about Communist expansion globally as well as in Asia. In response to the basic threat, the Truman Administration formulated foreign policies to contain the Soviet Union’s political power, which was later known as the “Containment Doctrine”. However a masterminded Harriman would like to resume another surrogate war to Asia for War Industries Board development, among them included the significant the “Jet Engine Age” – Korea-War for Air-Defense and Vietnam War for Civil-Airline. For Containment Doctrine, WIB Bones tried to increase their visibility in the two nation solution as Germany, Korea, and Vietnam in focusing lasting war-industries prosperity development. It was also a better way to calm down the potential for global confrontation. Meanwhile, in many cases, the War Industries Board has been busy arming opponents in ongoing conflicts – Iran and Iraq, Greece and Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel, and China and Taiwan. Often the purchasing country makes its purchases conditional on the transfer of technology so that it can ultimately manufacture the item for itself and others. The result is the proliferation around the world not just of weapons but of new weapons industries.
Basically, the people of Vietnam must be willing to struggle for their freedom and preserve the democracy to be instituted. If the people do not voluntarily fight for their freedom, no democracy can be materialized. An early twentieth-century Vietnamese Nationalist cartoon depicts peasants routing French colonial troops. The peasants fluently are shouting; “Wipe out the gang of imperialists, mandarins, capitalists, and big landlords!” Naturally, the fear of Communist aggression in Southeast Asia prompted President Truman to extend limited economic and military aid to the French who were fighting the Viet Minh, North Vietnamese Communist, in Indochina.
In November 1953, under CIA persuasion, due to US Military-aid, French General Henri Navarre wanted to lure the Viet Minh forces into a set piece battle at Dien Bien Phu so he could use French superior firepower, combined with air strikes, to destroy them. However, General (CIA tricks’ 1954: B-29 and 1975: B-52) Navarre was only successful in his tactical goal to get the Viet Minh forces to take the bait, underestimating the overwhelming logistical support his enemy received from the PRC. As result, the balance of forces, both in terms of artillery firepower and troop strength leaned toward the Viet Minh forces by five to one. Who know! A. Harriman anticipated the fall of Dien Bien Phu to the Viet Minh was a prelude to U.S direct involvement in the second war Vietnam War for the CIP’s craps.
It is important to determine not to depend on foreign powers [like President Diem did] All foreign nations care for their own interests first [like CIP] Relying on foreign countries to build up the power for one’s faction is the source of civil war as proven by what happened in Vietnam from 1945 to 1975. Because the axis of evil, the Vietnamese people was betrayed and rendered futile in forced civil war, instead of they must have the courage to rise up to create the “People’s Tide” (likely about 60 undeveloped countries restored their Freedom and Democracy not pay a cent after WW-II) – under the leadership of Viet patriots, intellectuals, and revolutionary activists who have keen strategic visions, organizational skills, a national spirit and scientific knowledge – for their effective fight against foreign domination – military or ideological – and act against those foreign powers exerting influences which make the nation of Vietnam independent on them, thank to the Viet synthesized strength. Definitely, Vietnam shall have a foreign policy independent from all foreign powers, and shall not let those powers again use our territory as battlefield or laboratory in their conflicts, if that happens to be. The particular geographic location of Vietnam on the main transportation bypass-path from Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean has caused international powers to try to control this strategic channel. This very neutral foreign policy of Vietnam will help preserve world peace and will help Vietnam live in good relationship with all nations in the world, and enjoy the stability needed to develop its economy. The top priority goal of Vietnam after eliminating the totalitarian regime is to accelerate the development of its economy by participating in the globalizing market, strengthening regional and world peace and promoting democracy. Vietnam will play the role of a reconciliation factor for all international influences and also a converging point of the East and the West in a new global concept of mankind.
The first Vietnam War 1946-1954, Ho Chi Minh was so wrong entrusted his traitor United States. I think really it was a betrayal of for Vietnam independence because the WIB’ scam. Indochina, which included Vietnam, was a French colony until early 1945. As early as 1942, the Japanese army entered Vietnam without a fight. The French administration was too weak to oppose any conditions imposed by the Japanese. Shortly before the end of WW-II, on March 9, 1945 a coup d’état by the Japanese army put an end to the French occupation. The Independence of Vietnam was proclaimed for the first time after a century of French domination. The First independent Vietnamese government, under Tran Trong Kim’s leadership had to compromise to some extent with the occupying Japanese army; But the Vietnamese patriotic movements, always latent during the years of French rule, experienced an unprecedented expansion from that day on. This “élan” of patriotism was further exacerbated when six months later Vietnam became totally independent as a result of the Japanese capitulation. Literally, the Vietnamese enjoyed for the first time this great happiness they had aspired to for a century. It was easy to understand why this patriotism, rendered red hot during the process of after war decolonization in South East Asia (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia…) exploded when the French came back on the coat-tails of British Army in the Skull and Bones’ conspiracy of silence. In fact the French contingent just followed British troops when they came to disarm the Japanese army in Indochina.
This patriotic “élan” was the real driving force behind the war of resistance against the French which broke out in the evening of December, 19, 1946. Among the Vietnamese revolutionary leaders, who were then fighting the French attempt to reoccupy Indochina after the Japanese capitulation; there was a prominent group of Communists led by Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap, and Pham Van Dong. Ho Chi Minh engaged OSS in 1943 and also a Moscow trained revolutionary, had in mind a goal other than national independence sought by nationalist leaders. Because a WIB Machiavellian (political theorist) motive, Ho and his cohorts dilemma with no choice they would just alternative toward international communism to supplant Colonialism in Indochina and were receiving specific orders from Moscow. Now we understand why they were better organized, more homogeneous and experts in Machiavellian political maneuvers.
During the war with the big-help gave a hand from Soviet, China, French even United States, in the then fashioned Communism, Ho Chi Minh gradually took over by eliminating all non communist leaders of the resistance as axiom-1 introduced 1960 (there was never a legitimate non-communist government in Saigon) Since 1945 the only legitimate or viable Vietnamese government was the one proclaimed by Ho Chi Minh, which is simply in second chunk-phased of Eurasian Great Game in performing the CIP stratagem or other word a foundational tenet of the communist version of national history. It is remarkable how easily this ideological exuberance of Vietnamese communists was and continues to be uncritically swallowed by academic specialist and venality mainstream media in the United States. It should be noted that at that time Communism was unknown to the general population and the commencement the Cold War scam between KGB and CIA. Within ethical dilemma, the Communist party under Ho Chi Minh was hiding under the name of the Labor-Party, instead Communist party. Therefore one can see that, at the beginning of the war, the true driving force behind the anti-colonial struggle supported by all people was Vietnamese patriotism that had nothing to do with communism ideology.
In anticipation of Eurasian-Great-Game’s chunk two, A. Harriman masterminded to move back to U.S forces from Europe to Asian for a new war building or change an existing one. Starting in 1949 when the Chinese Communists came to power in China, after CIA completely carried out the mission to evacuate Chiang Kai-Shek’s followers to Taiwan 1949. Prior to the event, June 1950, his anticipated Korea War will begin. A key figure once again, A. Harriman arranged his early return from Europe with a phone call to President Truman, informing the president that Europeans were “gravely concerned lest we fail to meet the challenge in Europe.” Harriman took up residence in the Executive Office Building, a blow to his ego because he fully expected to be at Truman’s side as a special assistant to the president national security affairs and typically with his own staff: “put more than hundreds strategist, sociologist, ethnologists, geologists, psychologists, philosophers… to work modeling Korea and Vietnamese society and seeking data sufficient to describe their quantitatively and simulate their behavior on a system PRAISE’ chart (non-computerized). The struggle for the new-world order might well have to be considered the social scientists war.
Ho Chi Minh and his clique now had direct help from them. With this help to back them up, they began to unveil their true communist nature with no choice. Owing to his total submission to Beijing, Ho Chi Minh obtained in return at the decisive battle of Dien Bien Phu direct participation of Chinese communist in General Giap’s command (Chinese generals: Wei Guoqing, Luo Guibo, Cheng Geng…and theirs ten of thousands of volunteers) This enable Giap to achieve victory in 1954 (General Giap and Ho engaged OSS 1943) His meditate revenge on sufferings of his pro-U.S traitor, He plotted in the past against the French at Dien Bien Phu and now then against the unsavory Americans in the Khe-Sanh siege. Late in 1967, General Giap commenced a siege of the Americans’ far western support base at Khe Sanh. He massed four full infantry divisions supported by two artillery and tank regiments at the heretofore largely unknown complex at the opposite end of Route-9, the farthest compound away from most American or South Vietnamese principal enclaves. Giap purposefully made the presence of the more than 40,000 NVA troops highly visible to South Vietnamese and American intelligence gatherers.
Consequently, the congregation of NVA troops immediately drew the attention of General Westmoreland. He had, a few months earlier, begun development of the primitive Khe Sanh outpost into a materiel support base for his proposed operation in Laos. Westmoreland had deployed a battalion of Marines and a crew of U.S Navy Seabees to develop and defend the base. They quickly turned to, bulldozing the ground and installing steel matting for a primitive airstrip and laying in stockpiles of ammunition and supplies for the proposed Laos operation. (The WIP always put on eyes on that, that’s never happened because the ROE was strictly followed up by Permanent Government via General Alexander Haig, a prospect congruent with his later involvement in and reaction to the operation)
Responding to the Giap’ action, Westmoreland ordered more than 6,000 additional USM to the distant and tactically unimportant base. In concert with the defense of Khe Sanh, he also ordered commencement of massive air bombardment of the entire region that encircled the remote enclave, appropriately naming the aerial onslaught, Operation Niagara. If the battle raged, President Johnson vowed that America wouldn’t not lose Khe Sanh likely French forces did; Johnson said this despite the fact that he had already scrapped Westmoreland’s plan for border-crossing operation into Laos? (I am certainly doubt it) His decision had thus rendered the Khe Sanh support base tactically useless.
Illustrating such intense NVA activity in this far northwestern corner of South Vietnam, General Giap had succeeded in convincing General Westmoreland that the Khe Sanh siege supported a greater North Vietnamese effort to overwhelm South Vietnam’s northern-provinces. The US General envisioned a modern version of Dien Bien Phu about to occur. Therefore, he even resorted to asking President Johnson for permission to authorize a feasibility study to examine the possible use of “tactical-nuclear-weapons” to defend Khe Sanh? (I assured the Permanent Government never authorizes to use tactical nuclear bomb like “CBU-55” due to this against ROE’ axis of evil’s craps) Meanwhile, the onslaught at the distant outpost served the North Vietnamese general in drawing a significant amount of American attention away from the major enclaves in the seaside provinces north of Danang. As the Lunar New Year, Tet 1968 approached, Giap redeployed the majority of his forces from Khe Sanh and secretly sent them eastward, moving them in small bands. Then, during the end of January, he very effectively commenced a blitzkrieg of attacks on the coastal cities as part of the greater Tet offensive, which sent mostly VC guerrilla forces striking USA units in the southern regions while Giap pitted battle-hardened NVA regulars against USM in the north.
The 1968 campaign mobilized communist forces throughout South Vietnam, successfully hitting US forces and ARVN forces with complete strategic surprise. While the NVA commander had enjoyed great success, surprising the Americans, he had badly underestimated their forces’ capabilities. In the end, the Hanoi garnered a media coup with world headlines that proclaimed Hanoi and Viet Cong victories, but in most practical military terms suffered significant losses at all corners. Tactically, Tet-Offensive may have begun as a successful offensive, but quickly turned into an abysmal failure for Hanoi. For all their expense of lives, equipment, and weaponry, they had gained nothing but a scrapbook of press clippings.
(continued) QUEENBEE-1

11-16-2010, 01:22 AM
Fatefully, to introduce a dictatorship of the Proletariat patterned after the Beijing model. It wasn’t pure chance, after Ho totally controlled North Vietnam, to witness the implementation of a bloody “Agrarian Reform” (1953-1956) which was truly a Pol Pot like type of genocide in which hundreds of thousands of people perished. Ho Chi Minh and his clique in fact had transformed an independence war against French colonialism first into an international conflict (Cold War) and then steered it towards a “Class Struggle” to serve international Communism. North Vietnam had so much difficulty of destruction, drought, flood… As a result Ho ordered in early 1957 withdraw all 100,000 troops back to North Vietnam. Vietnamese in the South were happiness from 1954 to 1959. That 1959s the United States [WIB and Skull Bones] persuaded Soviet Union played the craps [CIP/NLF]. From now on Ho was isolated by KGB pressured to motivate Le Duan and Le Duc Tho seized in power. Therefore, at its April 1959, the KGB pressurized the North Vietnamese Communist Party Central Committee had vote in secret session at its April 1959 15th Plenum, to return covertly to South Vietnam thousands of such Viet Minh veterans. This axis of evil now is walking in major disaster in stir the Vietnam-War. In 1959 the men make storm starting blown over Indochina.
Alas! All those losses of human lives and time and the destruction of the country had no other purpose than substituting “White Colonialism with Red colonialism” in North Vietnam. The result in this Cold War, is in 1954, a massive exodus of a million refugees and repeated again Saigon Fall in 1975 a two million refugees fleeing from Communism and an unscrupulous regime in the Indochina which is still in place. [But in 1954 CIA invested the cost for a notorious film with title “We want to live,” sponsoring by Philippine film technician experts; however it is sheer political propaganda campaign; In 1975 is major disaster of “Saigon Fall” so “no films for that”] A. Harriman clever implied CIP won the NLF by the so called “Voted with theirs feet” by an “A Quite Victory” because the worldwide condemned this “Dirty-War.” So he dare show up in public.
After the partition of Vietnam in 1954, in the sphere of acting government, the U.S supported the GVN in the South to prevent the domino effect in Southeast Asia. Throughout our direct involvement in the war against the North Communist in the South, U.S policy had been desultory and inconsistent. By 1968, confidence in President Lyndon Johnson’s handling of the war erode and declined sharply due to Johnson wasn’t a policymaker. The CIP objective wasn’t accomplished yet (U.S combat troop was not yet reaching in a peak commitment 543,400 in one year rotation, estimated about 3.000,000 passengers for sustained Civil Airline being developed) Successor Republican, former Vice President Richard Nixon won the presidential election on November 2, 1968 and became the fifth U.S President to handle the war in Vietnam. President Nixon was elected when America was in a very turbulent, divisive period, and global politics was undergoing dramatic changes. Domestically, anti-war protests and civil rights movements erupted wildly across America. Nixon needed to extricate U.S troops out of Vietnam, the sooner the better, to defuse the increasing political turmoil. (In the scope agenda table strategy CIP, keyed time period apply with ‘axiom-3’: the U.S couldn’t have won the war under any circumstances.
Once again the Axis of Evil shoot craps: The legitimate defense of the South Vietnamese people was betrayed and rendered futile in the Second Vietnam War (1960-1975). Harriman’s preparedness to break off the President Diem’s Rural Revolutionary Pacification Program in effect of Diem’s policy by “draining away the water from the pond for catching fish” In 1959 a serial of establishment of Groups 559, Group 759, Group 959 and NLF (National Liberation Front) in the GKB’ first shoot craps cooperated in final dice by CIA on meeting September, 21, 1960, National Security Council in order for safety protected [Ho Chi Minh trail] Harriman Highway plus POL parallel on it. According Permanent Government standpoints in supported by Academic Freedom Act (the venality to mainstream Media, Hollywood, University: for axiom-1, particularly Hollywood: Jane Fonda in reconsideration named all LZ in Operation Lam Son 719 in 1971 such as, LZ LoLobrigida, Sophialoren, Liztaylor, bop-Hope, see Operation-Map in chapter-6 in details why angry President Thieu decided “early-out” against General Haig -“touch down… pissed there a mess and go home” Thieu ordered to General Lam)
Even though following the 1954 Geneva Agreement between Ho Chi Minh and French, which wasn’t signed by the Bao Dai government and the US and the partition of Vietnam at the 17th parallel, the two halves of Vietnam found themselves incorporated into the two opposing blocs of the Cold War. It is remarkable how easily this ideological exuberance of Vietnamese communists was and continues to be uncritically swallowed by academic specialists in the United States. Why the United States didn’t signed Geneva Agreement? Because her anticipated in coming plot stirring Vietnam War. While it is often forgotten that in 1957 the Soviet Union proposed that both of the Vietnamese governments then in existence be admitted to the United Nations, not to mention that China much preferred the existence of two Vietnams. It is clear that, aside from the Vietnamese parties themselves, the participants at the Geneva Conference of 1954 all preferred a two-state solution as a way to calm down the potential for global confrontation.
The affirmation of a theoretically unified Vietnam in the final declaration of the conference, which was signed by none of the conferees, significantly left the question of the legitimate government of such a unified Vietnam to the vague vicissitudes of an election to be held after two years, which was a conspiracy of diplomatic silence way of painting over national enthusiasm with “Cold-War” realism.
Ho Chi Minh and his cadre’s communist vocation not allow them to stop at the border of North Vietnam. International Communism dictated that they should go further into South East Asia. In South Vietnam, King Bao Dai was succeeded by Ngo Dinh Diem and the generals the last one was Nguyen Van Thieu. With minimum US help by surplus WW-II obsolete war material, thereby these fresh governments managed to contain communist sabotage with US opened Harriman Highway, help their infiltration fluently come from North for years of war. In spite of being under a still imperfect democratic regime, The South Vietnamese people still enjoyed relative freedom, much better than what the North was experiencing under Leninist Ho Chi Minh.
Beginning in 1960, two craps player in military readiness for war, with the help of Communist Bloc, North Vietnam intensified guerrilla warfare in the South. In 1965 huge caches of weapons coming from communist China, including the then very modern Kalashnikov rifles, were discovered in the South near Vung Ro, Nha Trang province which belonging 759th, Marine Seaway-Supply Group. At about the same time, big training combat battle for US troop practiced already erupted all around the country causing South Vietnam to nearly succumb to communist subversion. One witnessed the well known typical scenario of a “National Liberation Front” that had already taken place in same with a “Counter Insurgency Project” elsewhere many other times around the world. In each case it is simply an example of covert communist subversion that A. Harriman masterminded called “on the strongman side” method. Only then did the US Marines started landing at Danang beach in 1965, after concocted “Gulf Tonkin Incident” in 1964, as prelude to more massive US involvement which kept increasing about 3.000,000 air-ticket-passengers of US troops in rotation every one year for sustaining a biggest Airline Jet been developed in transportation (you never heard the term Airline bankruptcy during the Vietnam War at all) Communist Block kept increasing also escalated its involved aggression. Naturally, the United States intervention was in fact only a response to the strategy of subversion by the Communist bloc. The true nature of the 1960-1975 war was the South Vietnamese people’s defense, with US help, against the Communist bloc’s aggression. It was in fact a struggle to preserve South Vietnam’s freedom against an attempt to impose a communist dictatorship. But the Skull and Bones gave pressure influenced on US Congress and politicians, their influence on the conduct of this war, and the reasons why the Americans withdrew from Vietnam in 1973 would be the subject of another story.
The contrast between President Kennedy and the Skull and Bones is bent on escalation and trying to prevent a war. Kennedy never made his Vietnam plans public. This is in true Kennedy fashion, his statements on the Southeast Asian conflict were a blur of ambiguity, avoiding a public split within Kennedy’s administration, He operated on “multiple levels of deception” in his Vietnam decision making. Actually, the United-States were caught in the reality of the Cold War, and the Skull and Bones obviously had a role to play. But we don’t think the Kennedy believed they could trust much of what they said. Two brothers Kennedy and Vice President Johnson were trying to find their way out of the Cold War, but the Skull and Bones certainly didn’t want to. After Kennedy’s assassination, the president foreign adviser, a Skull and Bone, Mc George Bundy who coaxed with some pressure on L.B. Johnson widen the war into a colossal tragedy knows Kennedy would have done no such thing; McNamara who was assigned a war executer, acknowledges this, though it highlights his own blame. “One of Kennedy’s great speeches on foreign policy” If J.F. Kennedy had lived, there is no doubt in our mind, the world would have laid the groundwork for détente, and the Cold War would have ended much sooner than it did.
“Peace-Speech” in this stirring address, Kennedy would do something that no other President during the Cold War – and no American president today – would dare. He was made a scapegoat for Skull and Bones frustration and betrayed by its American First.

On international politics, the inherent ideological differences between the PRC and the Soviet Union, since Jose Stalin’s death, became more serious with the Soviet Union invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and the actual Sino-Soviet border clashes in 1969 (secretly U.S must temporally help Hanoi for protracting war) Successor to A. Harriman, George H W Bush perceived the Sino-Soviet conflict as a good opportunity to bring the PRC, a newly emerged superpower as they already plans, into the world balance of power along with the Soviet Union to create a new “geo-strategy, triangular diplomacy which would pave the way for rapprochement with the PRC and relations with the PRC would help achieve détente with the Soviet Union. Triangular diplomacy would undoubtedly encourage the Soviet Union to cooperate in the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) negotiations, and would help the U.S exit Vietnam exactly on agenda road-map. More importantly, Sino-U.S relations would open the “bamboo-curtain” for the U.S to reenter the PRC’ huge, lucrative market after two hostility-decades.
The new geo-strategy once again shifted U.S policy toward the South Vietnam. With triangular diplomacy the Communist threat in Southeast Asia no longer exist and, as a result, the political survival of the South Vietnam became irrelevant to U.S interests in the region. As a realist, on behalf of Skull and Bones, Doctor Henry Kissinger [Skull and Bones] brought to the White House the concept of “realpolitik” and President Nixon must endorsed it. In order to keep the policymaker decision within the White House, the State Department was, in a way, excluded from involvement in triangular diplomacy. The National Security Council was likewise of Permanent Government. She became the principal body to advise the President on foreign affairs. Through this streamlined process and back door channel help from various sources, Henry Kissinger was able to secretly meet with Xuan-Thuy and then Le Duc Tho, peace negotiators, in Paris and the PRC’ Premier Zhou Enlai in China. Subsequently, Henry Kissinger and Primer Zhou Enlai arranged for President Nixon to meet the PRC’ Chairman Mao Zedong on February 21, 1972 in Beijing, China. The Nixon-Mao meeting produced a joint Shanghai Communiqué, which marked the end of an old era of hostility. The U.S Permanent Government strategic alignment with the PRC did put pressure on the Soviet Union. Only three months after Sino-U.S high level meetings in China, President Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev signed the SALT-I Treaty in Moscow and a new agreement with the Soviet Union on the Berlin Wall issue.
While global politics were changing and with the peace negotiations in progress, the obstinate Hanoi had no intention to relinquish their greedy goal to conquer the South Vietnam by force. After having recovered from their 1968 Tet Offensive catastrophic losses, on March 30, 1972, the Hanoi, by persuasive their patron, the Soviet Union launched another general attack against the South Vietnam. This was their attempt to defeat the South Vietnam when U.S combat troops were no longer involved. After over two months of fierce fighting, the South Vietnam with U.S air support overwhelming defeated the Hanoi again. Even though they were defeated in the battlefields, the Hanoi leadership strongly believed that if they could just hang on, the will of the Americans would collapse as long war and they would win the war by axiom-1: not in South Vietnam battlefields, but in Washington D.C as Permanent Government plot used John Kerry, Yale University as good activist movie war-star together movie star Hollywood Jane Fonda. Absolutely, during this period, President Nixon was confronted with multiple political problems.
In conspiracy of silence, the Watergate scandal exploded more wildly in the U.S forcing President Nixon to resign for the cause to invalid Nixon pledges in letters to Thieu in formulated Harriman’s axiom-1, never a legitimate non-communist government in Saigon. Therefore, the swift collapse of Saigon in 1975 couldn’t be blamed on the South Vietnamese people’s lack of motivation in defending freedom like George W Bush said, none the weakness of their armed forces. In 1972, when these forces were normally supported by the US, they did fight courageously and destroyed the Hanoi’s armored divisions crossing the demilitarized zone into South Vietnam in a much larger offensive than that of 1975.
Unfortunately, while the Communist bloc was fully and steadfastly supporting an aggressive North Vietnam, one could witness during the last two years of the war (1973-1974) the last and brand new sophisticated weapons batches to North Vietnam armed forces. Meanwhile the US Permanent Government gave pressure on Congress cut off large portions of supply and ammunition aid to South Vietnam because of axiom-1 in demagogic political reason. This anticipated betrayal was perfectly orchestrated and preceded by a campaign of denigration and disinformation in favor of the communists by the method on “the strongman side” which was fostered venality of the mainstream media and intelligentsia in the America and Western world.
Sadly, it was simply a trade off for economic and political gain superbly orchestrated between the superpowers, the United States the Soviet Union, and the People’ s Republic of China. Sadly, the South Vietnam was used as merchandise in this exchange. For the U.S, triangular diplomacy and realpolitik successfully achieved the intended goals. The Sino-U.S normalization process began, and the two countries set up liaison offices in each other’s capital cities after President Nixon and Chairman Mao’s meeting. Shortly thereafter, many giant U.S corporations mustered themselves into the PRC and bilateral trade improved throughout for decades. The U.S market was also inundated with products made in China. U.S Capitalists were very happy to exploit the huge profitable market in China after for decades of closed door hostility.
Thereby, as a consequence, in Tet-Offensive 1968, the South Vietnam troop continued to be outgunned by the North Vietnam troop and thus at Harriman conspiracy toward combat disadvantage; as including the heavy and unwieldy for a little Vietnamese for a Garant M-I and Thompson. Meanwhile the North Vietnam was being provided the AK-47 (Soviet) and AK-50 (China). All were assault riffle by his patrons. During the enemy Tet Offensive of 1968 the crisp, rattling sounds of assault riffle echoing in Saigon and some other cities seemed to make a mockery of the weaker, single shots of Garants and Carbines M-I fired by stupefied friendly troops.


11-12-2013, 03:54 AM
Whenever victory goes to the Song-Chùy gunship razing flight


Sunday, April 15, 2012
This is coolbert:
"Victory goes to the strongest battalions" - - Napoleon.

Here with the REAL REASON for American and South Vietnamese defeat during the Second-Indo-China War.

Those "reasons" as enunciated by Dayan [thanks to van Creveld] and Truong valid as stated but immaterial as to the REAL REASON?The REAL REASON the communist forces emerging triumphant in the classical manner of warfare [1975] due to:

* Divisions of tanks. [armor heavy formations]

* Divisions of artillery. [massed units of artillery]

* Massed divisions of tanks and massed divisions of artillery operating in concert.

Those massed and prodigious formations of tanks and artillery operating in concert creating an inexorable force used in a prodigal way, CONCENTRATED AND FOCUSED, almost literally blasting a path for further advance and annihilating those South Vietnamese army combat arms units [ARVN] willing and able to continue the fight, the ARVN not having the physical wherewithal to combat such an adversary in the first place, also in time losing as well all moral and mental capacity to do so unit cohesion disintegrating!

From the time of the communist Easter Offensive [1972] and even more so during the final push on Saigon [1975] those South Vietnamese army units [ARVN] faced with an adversary employing armaments for which the ARVN had NO answer. THAT SOUTH VIETNAMESE ARMY HAVING BEEN ORGANIZED, TRAINED, EQUIPPED TO FIGHT THE SAME ENEMY THE U.S. ARMY FACED IN VIETNAM [light infantry of the North Vietnamese Army], THE ARVN FINDING THEMSELVES AT A DISTINCT AND OVERWHELMING DISADVANTAGE, NO AMELIORATION OR REMEDY TO THE PROBLEM POSSIBLE!!

[it has been suggested that the Tet Offensive of 1968 was a clear indication of American intelligence failure in Vietnam. Perhaps an even greater failure was the additional failure of American intelligence to detect and understand the very MASSIVE armor and artillery build-up that preceded the Easter Offensive of 1972! That those massive formations of tanks and artillery were not observed in some fashion is indeed a mystery not ever fully explained?]

That Republic of Vietnam [RVN] government in Saigon unable to deal with the situation, American air power withheld, the troops on the ground [ARVN] finding themselves vastly outgunned and without support or help on the way, collapse AND ULTIMATE DISINTEGRATION was not only a matter of time but inevitable.

Overwhelming force used in an overwhelming manner "poor intelligence" "hearts and minds", "ineffectual government" [Saigon] and "privileged sanctuaries" small potatoes compared to the REAL REASON for the final outcome.

Posted byAlbert E.at1:56 PM


Saturday, April 14, 2012
Dayan & Creveld.
This is coolbert:

Here according to that most distinguished Israeli military historian as found at TheShalomCenter web site REASONS for American defeat in Vietnam. As posted on the Internet in 2004, only when the low-intensity insurgency in Iraq had initially begun.

Reasons for American defeat in Vietnam as originally observed and enunciated by the great Israeli general officer Moshe Dayan. Dayan in the aftermath of the Six-Day War [1967] traveling to Vietnam in the capacity of a civilian and reporting on the war in a series of articles for the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv. [that series of articles became a book!]

"that the most important Israeli newspaper of the time, Ma'ariv, proposed that he [Dayan] go to Vietnam as a war correspondent he jumped on the idea. The articles he wrote were published in Ma'ariv as well as the British and French press."

Dayan as a military man with the most illustrious career and with prescience identifying and elaborating on those weaknesses and liabilities that the American military in Vietnam faced. Weaknesses and liabilities that in the opinion of Dayan doomed from the onset the American effort to failure.

Reasons to include:

* "First, according to Dayan, the most important operational problem the US Forces were facing was intelligence, in other words the inability to distinguish the enemy from either the physical surroundings or the civilian population"

* "Second, as Dayan saw clearly enough, the campaign for hearts and minds did not work"

* "The third and most important reason why I [van Creveld] think Vietnam is relevant to the situation in Iraq is because the Americans found themselves in the unfortunate position where they were beating down on the weak"

With regard to that third and most important reason, those thoughts are more or less those of van Creveld and NOT Dayan? The psychological dimension to warfare especially within the realm of a low-intensity anti-insurgency cannot be denied. Vietnam whether right or wrong was perceived as an instance of the most powerful by far nation on earth as beating up a poor and weak nation and doing so without a whole lot of justification.

The war in Vietnam was lost in the streets of New York City and not on the battlefields of South Vietnam? This is largely the consensus of the military historian, Dayan and others at the time seeing the picture clearly much more than most?

Posted byAlbert E.at7:23 PM

PS: Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Isreal "Cò-mồi" của Bonesmen chỉ cần đi hành quân vài ngày với Marine corp đã đưa ra quyết định cho thế kỉ 21: "Muốn thắng CS hảy để cho CS chiếm miền nam rồi chính nhân dân VN sẽ giành lại quyền tự quyết"
Thế mà Coolbert/Albert Eistein đã làm cho người viết "nở mũi" khi đọc được những dòng chữ:
"Here with the "Real Reason for American and South Vietnamese defeat during the Second-Indo-China War. Those "reason" as enunciated by Dayan [thank to van-Creveld] and TRUONG valid as stated but immaterial as to the real reason?
Tạm dịch: " Đây, với nguyên do thấy rỏ là quân Mỹ và quân đội miền nam bị thất bại trong cuộc chiến Đông-Dương lần hai. Những lý do nầy như mô tả bởi ông Dayan [cũng cám ơn học giả Van-Creveld] và ông TRUONG đánh giá như diển tả đúng sự thật như đã xảy ra


Saturday, April 14, 2012
Vinh Truong.
This is coolbert:

Yet from one more author, a most authoritative figure if there ever was one, as to the REASONS for allied defeat in Vietnam. American and South Vietnamese both unable to prevail over the communists. Vinh Truong a South Vietnamese military officer of some standing and an escapee from a re-education [concentration] camp AFTER THIRTEEN YEARS OF INCARCERATION!

As extracted from the book by Truong:

"Vietnam War: The New Legion, Volume 2 By Vinh Truong"

"When I [Truong] looked into myself, I knew that I would remain faithful to a code of personal honor attached to what I understood as the ideals of my country's form of government rising above the confusions of the political and military leadership. This became explicitly clear to me when I was interviewed by allied-officer in my class Squadron Officer School at Maxwell Air University Alabama. They asked me 'What I thought of the war', and I recall telling them that I thought it make no sense to me to try to defend South Vietnam so long as the border areas of Cambodia and Laos were conceded to the Hanoi . . . But I could see no strategy being applied that had prospects of success . . . 'my patriotism was stronger than my unhappiness about poor US intervention strategic policy!'"

Concerning Truong:

"Vinh-Van-Truong was recruited by U.S. Special Forces in Project Delta 1964-65 and graduated from the U.S. Air University, Maxwell, Alabama, for Squadron Officer School and Academic Instructor School, 1967-68. He was 213th Squadron Commander, 1970-71, 51th Wing Combat Commander, 1972-73, and Chief of Staff of Helicopter branch of VNAF Headquarter 1973 until Saigon fell"

[and in the aftermath of South Vietnamese surrender, thirteen years an inmate of a communist re-education [concentration] camp!!]

"[Truong] discusses the three Axioms in the dominant interpretation of the U.S.-Vietnam War that were established by the invisible permanent government right after the National Security Council meeting on September 21, 1960. They are: - 1. There was never a legitimate non-communist government in Saigon (dissolution GVN) 2. The U.S. had no legitimate reason to be involved in Vietnamese affairs (Tonkin-Gulf-Incident) 3. The U.S. could not have won the war under any circumstances (U.S. troops honorable withdrawal)"

When Truong speaks we all need to listen. Truong and his fellow compatriots now living in the U.S. have a web site dedicated to discussion of the Second Indo-China War. It might be interesting to engage in dialog with them language barriers aside.

Posted byAlbert E.at7:37 PM

10-09-2015, 02:32 PM
Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Isreal "Cò-mồi" của Secret Society chỉ cần đi hành quân vài ngày với Marine corp đã đưa ra quyết định cho thế kỉ 21 (1975-2015): "Muốn thắng CS hảy để cho CS chiếm miền nam rồi chính nhân dân VN sẽ giành lại quyền tự quyết có tính CHÍNH DANH để thu hồi lại biển đảo"

Viện Coolbert/Albert Eistein đã làm cho tác giả "nở mũi" khi đọc được những dòng chữ:
"Here with the "Real Reason for American and South Vietnamese defeat during the Second-Indo-China War. Those "reason" as enunciated by Dayan [thank to van-Creveld] and TRUONG valid as stated but immaterial as to the real reason?”

Tạm dịch: "Đây, với nguyên do thấy rỏ là quân Mỹ và quân đội miền nam bị thất bại trong cuộc chiến Đông-Dương lần hai. Những lý do nầy như mô tả bởi ông Dayan [cũng cám ơn học giả Van-Creveld] và ông TRUONG đánh giá như diển tả đúng sự thật như đã xảy ra

-"When I [Truong] looked into myself, I knew that I would remain faithful to a code of personal honor attached to what I understood as the ideals of my country's form of government rising above the confusions of the political and military leadership. This became explicitly clear to me when I was interviewed by allied-officer in my class Squadron Officer School at Maxwell Air University Alabama. They asked me 'What I thought of the war', and I recall telling them that I thought it make no sense to me to try to defend South Vietnam so long as the border areas of Cambodia and Laos were conceded to the Hanoi . . . But I could see no strategy being applied that had prospects of success . . . 'my patriotism was stronger than my unhappiness about poor US intervention strategic policy!'"

-(Tạm dịch) 1967-1968 khi tôi đang học tại trường Maxwell Air University, Montgomery Alabama, các bạn cùng khoá thường hỏi tôi về chiến trường đang sôi động tại Việt Nam, tôi chỉ biết trả lời: “Tôi không nghĩ phòng thủ miền nam mà cứ để BV tấn kích mải mải thì có ngày phải lủng phòng tuyến vì không được phép trả đủa nơi hậu phương lớn là Lào và Cambodia …Dù tôi không thấy kiểu đánh đấm nào hiệu quả … nhưng lòng yêu nước đánh bạt về nổi thất vọng ta7n trở, những chiến thuật mà người Mỹ đang dở trò khỉ tại miền nam VN với mục đích gì ?”

- Dayan as a military man with the most illustrious career and with prescience identifying and elaborating on those weaknesses and liabilities that the American military in Vietnam faced. Weaknesses and liabilities that in the opinion of Dayan doomed from the onset the American effort to failure.

Reasons to include:

* "First, according to Dayan, the most important operational problem the US Forces were facing was intelligence, in other words the inability to distinguish the enemy from either the physical surroundings or the civilian population"

* "Second, as Dayan saw clearly enough, the campaign for hearts and minds did not work"

* "The third and most important reason why I [van Creveld] think Vietnam is relevant to the situation in Iraq is because the Americans found themselves in the unfortunate position where they were beating down on the weak"

With regard to that third and most important reason, those thoughts are more or less those of van Creveld and NOT Dayan? The psychological dimension to warfare especially within the realm of a low-intensity anti-insurgency cannot be denied. Vietnam whether right or wrong was perceived as an instance of the most powerful by far nation on earth as beating up a poor and weak nation and doing so without a whole lot of justification.

The war in Vietnam was lost in the streets of New York City but for John F Kerry and Jane Fonda …
And not on the battlefields of South Vietnam? This is largely the consensus of the military historian, Dayan and others at the time seeing the picture clearly much more than most?

Here with the REAL REASON for American and South Vietnamese defeat during the Second-Indo-China War.

Those "reasons" as enunciated by Dayan [thanks to van Creveld] and Truong valid as stated but immaterial as to the REAL REASON?The REAL REASON the communist forces emerging triumphant in the classical manner of warfare [1975] due to:

* Divisions of tanks. [armor heavy formations]

* Divisions of artillery. [massed units of artillery]

* Massed divisions of tanks and massed divisions of artillery operating in concert.

Those massed and prodigious formations of tanks and artillery operating in concert creating an inexorable force used in a prodigal way, CONCENTRATED AND FOCUSED, almost literally blasting a path for further advance and annihilating those South Vietnamese army combat arms units [ARVN] willing and able to continue the fight, the ARVN not having the physical wherewithal to combat such an adversary in the first place, also in time losing as well all moral and mental capacity to do so unit cohesion disintegrating!

"Vinh-Van-Truong was recruited by U.S.Seal Special Forces in Project Delta 1964-65 and graduated from the U.S. Air University, Maxwell, Alabama, for Squadron Officer School and Academic Instructor School, 1967-68. He was 213th Squadron Commander, 1970-71, 51th Wing Combat Commander, 1972-73, and Chief of Staff of Helicopter branch of VNAF Headquarter 1973 until Saigon fell"