View Full Version : Tên khủng bố ISIS được bồi thường hơn $1 triệu dollars....

02-23-2017, 12:02 AM

Tự do quá mức đâm ra lố bịch..... Tên tù khủng bố ở Guantanamo Bay được chính phủ Anh bồi thường (compensation) $1 triệu Bảng Anh (pounds) ($1.247 triệu dollars) cho thời gian bị giam ở Guantanamo Bay. Sau đó hắn làm nổ (suicide car bomber) một căn cứ quân đội Iraq ở Tal Gaysum (Iraq).

<iframe width="800" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Atn0l4BHn8Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

British ISIS suicide bomber "was former Guantanamo Bay detainee handed compensation"
By William Watkinson
Updated February 22, 2017

Ronald Fiddler is believed to have detonated a car bomb at an Iraqi army base in Tal Gaysum.

A British Islamic State (ISIS) fighter who died in a suicide bomb attack against the Iraqi Army in Mosul was a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was paid compensation by the UK, say reports.


A Muslim convert named Jamal Al-Harith has been reported my multiple organisations as a man who two days ago detonated a suicide car bomb at an Iraqi army base in Tal Gaysum, south-West of Mosul. Identified by the extremists under his nom-de-guerre Abu-Zakariya al-Britani he was born Ronald Fiddler in Manchester but changed his name when he converted to Islam.

The BBC say they have seen ISIS registration papers signed by Fiddler in April 2014 when he crossed into Syria from Turkey to fight for the terrorists.

The Daily Mail reported in 2015 that Ronald Fiddler was handed £1m ($1.247m) by the UK after being returned from the US military jail in 2004.

In a video release by the extremists Fiddler was filmed driving a car packed with explosives at an army position in near Tal Kaisoum village, which was retaken by pro-government forces on Sunday. It is not known how many soldiers died or were injured in the attack.

The father-of-four, Ronald Fiddler (Abu-Zakariya al-Britani) had travelled to the Pakistani city of Quetta, he claimed, for a religious holiday. A few day later the US invasion of neighbouring Afghanistan began and he was reportedly detained near Iran, and handed to the Taliban.

The 50-year-old was released from Guantanamo after a high profile campaign by the then Labour Home Secretary David Blunkett who said Fiddler posed no further threat.

A message from ISIS accompanying the video, translated by the monitoring group SITE Intelligence, read: "The martyrdom-seeking brother Abu Zakariya al-Britani, may Allah accept him, detonated his explosives-laden vehicle on a headquarters of the Rafidi army and its militias in Tal Kaisoum village, southwest of Mosul."

Abu Zakariya is believed to be one of 850 Britons that have travelled to the Middle East to fight. Of those, authorities believe just under half have returned to the UK and approximately 15% are dead.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "The UK has advised for some time against all travel to Syria, and against all travel to large parts of Iraq.

"As all UK consular services are suspended in Syria and greatly limited in Iraq, it is extremely difficult to confirm the whereabouts and status of British nationals in these areas."

02-23-2017, 02:56 AM
Tôi có cảm tưởng như ta đang sống lại thời của chính phủ Việt Nam Cộng Hòa. Khi mà những sắc lệnh hay những kế hoạch của chính phủ đương thời đang soạn thảo hay dự trù ban hành đều bị giới truyền thông , báo chí tìm đủ mọi cách để xuyên tạc , nếu không thì cũng tìm đủ mọi ngõ ngách để chỉ trích; thậm chí đôi khi trở nên khôi hài , nếu không muốn nói là ấu trĩ.
Khi bị nạn , thì đòi hỏi chính phủ trợ giúp đủ thứ, nhưng khi bọn khủng bố đặt bom gây thiệt mạng cho nhân viên chính phủ hay quân nhân thì lại làm lơ như không nghe & không thấy. Khi Tổng Thống ký sắc lệnh đòi hỏi thắt chặt điều tra an ninh những người từ các xứ Trung đông xin di dân đến USA thì lại nhảy tửng như ngồi phải lửa ; dựa trên chiêu bài kỳ thị màu da chủng tộc .
"finish italy "