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06-30-2009, 09:54 PM
Hy vọng anh em HQPD hiểu được những gì mà Tiếp viên Phi hành của China Southern Airlines muốn nói với hành khách trước khi máy bay cất cánh :

Pre-take off Announcement on a China Southern Airlines Flight.
This is a true account of what was heard on a recent flight from Shenzhen to

Qingtao by China Southern Airlines: -

"Good afternoon, Ladies and the German. This is your cheap purser Wang Lui speaking.

On behalf of China Sudden Airlines, I would like to welcome you on board our Bowling 737

from Shenzhen to Qingtao. Members of my crew speak Chinese and other languages that

you do not know. It is a great pressure serving you to-die. Should you need any resistance

during the fright, peace do pest the call button. I and my gals are available to make you feel comfortable. Meanwhile, the air kwaft is going to fry. Peace sit upright and keep you belt tightly fastened until dinner is served at five dirty p.m.

Hope you would enjoy your fright with us. Funk kill (thank you)."