View Full Version : Former Top General makes Announcement That PROVES Obama Is a Traitor

12-19-2015, 02:19 AM
Former Top General Goes on Fox News, Makes Announcement That PROVES Obama Is a Traitor

In an interview with Fox News, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency said that President Barack Obama “didn’t want to hear … this sort of drumbeat that this Islamic radicalism is on the rise.”

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who once ran the powerful Defense Department agency, said in an interview aired on Thursday that Obama’s “JV team” rhetoric and rosy outlook dramatically hindered the fight against the Islamic State group.

“I think that it’s about time that the coach figured out that he has a national security team, or certainly components of it, with his recent visit to the Pentagon and to the national counter-terrorism center,” Flynn said.
“He’s not going to get a rosy picture from the counterterrorism center today. He’s going to get a dire picture and it’s not going to be one of an organization, in terms of the Islamic State, that’s setback or a JV team.”

He pointed the finger at a president who refused to confront reality on its own terms.

“(Obama) didn’t want to hear something, you know, this sort of drumbeat that this Islamic radicalism is on the rise in a very, very big way, and they are growing in areas around the world,” Flynn said. “And we’ve seen all of the various attacks that we’ve seen in Europe, certainly in the United States. So, it … it didn’t meet a narrative that the president wanted to continue to say to the American public.”
Flynn also said that he didn’t see things changing anytime soon.

“I would love to hear him say, ‘Look, we made a mistake. Our strategy isn’t working, and we have made a big decision to make some changes … and I’m going to come back to the American public in 30 days, and I’m going to give an entirely new strategy that I want to hand off to the next president,'” Flynn said.

“And frankly, the president has not been able to do that. And I think that either it’s him personally, or it’s the advisers around him, that are telling him stay the course, and we’ll get through the rest of your presidency.

“It’s just not going to work like that,” he concluded.

H/T Breitbart
