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12-04-2015, 01:59 AM
Police Release Names of San Bernardino Shooting Victims



The 14 people killed in the San Bernardino mass shooting include government workers and a father of six, gunned down in what officials are calling an "enormous personal tragedy" and "senseless attack."

Thursday night, San Bernardino officials released the names of those killed in the rampage at the Inland Regional Center Wednesday, where a work event and holiday function for the county health department were taking place.

Officials said the dead include Shannon Johnson, 45, Benneta Bet-Badal, 46, Aurora Godoy, 26, Isaac Amanios, 60, Larry Kaufman, 42, Harry Bowman, 46, Yvette Velasco, 27, Sierra Clayborn, 27, Robert Adams, 40, Nicholas Thalasinos, 52, Tin Nguyen, 31, Juan Espinoza, 50, Damian Meins, 58 and Michael Wetzel, 37.

Thalasinos had worked at the department for approximately 12 years. His wife, Jennifer Thalasinos, told ABC News that her husband was an inspector in the environmental division alongside suspected shooter Syed Farook.

Wetzel was a father and stepfather of six children, according to his family. A family spokeswoman told ABC News affiliate KABC that Wetzel was in a meeting at the time of the shooting.

"They are very overwhelmed, there are six kids who have lost a father, lost all financial support and the kids are just finding out today," the Wetzel family spokeswoman, Celia Behar said. "They are trying to be very cautious."

Wetzel's wife, Renee called her husband "the most amazing person" in a statement to ABC News today.

"He was my best friend and an incredible father who was loved by all," she said. "I didn't know a better person. He loved his work and his family so very much. Without him, this family will never be the same. We appreciate all the love and support that everyone is showing. We ask that our privacy be respected during this terrible time."

Kaufman, 42, who went by Daniel, was killed yesterday when he was working at a coffee shop at the Inland Regional Center. His partner, Ryan Reyes, told ABC News that he was worried as soon as he heard about the shooting because he knew Kaufman would be outside on his break.

"That's when I was even more devastated," Reyes told ABC News.

Reyes said he waited for hours hoping that Kaufman would be on one of the buses to reunite bystanders with their families. At one point he saw a post on Facebook that said Kaufmann had been shot but was alive, however after visiting the local hospital he learned that wasn't true. He said he realized Kaufman was likely dead after learning he wasn't at any of the hospitals where the injured were taken.

"That’s when that hope really dwindled and it was extremely difficult trying to hold a ray of hope," Reyes said. Speaking to ABC News, Reyes talked about his grief and what Kaufmann meant to those who knew him, describing him as easy going and supportive with a "big smile" on his face all the time.

"The world will suffer from having one less person like him," Reyes told ABC News. "That's what bothers me...he is a ray of light to so many people."

He told ABC News that one of the last things he said to Kaufman was, "I love you."

Meins was an employee for the Riverside County Transportation and Land Management. He also was a physical education teacher and after-school care administrator at a local Catholic school in Riverside, California, where he dressed up as Santa for the past few holiday seasons.. His wife works as a principal at a local school.

Johnson had worked as an environmental health specialist for 10 years.

Police said that Farook and the other suspected shooter, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire at a party for San Bernardino County Health Department employees, ultimately killing 14 and injuring 21. Police said today that they found three pipe bombs tied together in the buildings after the shooting.

12-04-2015, 03:57 AM
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Cô gái gốc Việt thiệt mạng trong vụ xả súng ở Mỹ
Anh Ngọc

Một cô gái gốc Việt được cho là nằm trong số 14 người thiệt mạng sau vụ xả súng ở trung tâm dịch vụ xã hội bang California, Mỹ.
Đài Á Châu Tự Do RFA dẫn một nguồn tin đáng tin cậy cho hay nạn nhân gốc Việt trên là Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tín, 31 tuổi. Cô là nhân viên kiểm soát an toàn thực phẩm của thành phố San Bernadino.

Sáng qua, gia đình của Tín đã được Sở cảnh sát San Bernardino xác nhận tin buồn tại một cuộc họp báo.

Theo gia đình, Thanh Tín sang Mỹ lúc 8 tuổi và đã tốt nghiệp cử nhân khoa học y tế tại đại học Cal State Fullerton.

Ông Phu Nguyen, chú của nạn nhân, cho hay Tín là đồng nghiệp với nghi phạm Syed Rizwan Farook ở Sở Y tế San Bernardino. Cô dự định kết hôn vào năm sau và tuần trước vừa cùng hôn phu đi thử váy cưới.

"Con bé rất háo hức mặc thử váy cưới", ông nói trong cuộc phỏng vấn ngắn với Newsday.

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tín cùng mẹ và anh trai. Ảnh: RFA

Sáng 2/12, Thanh Tín đang tham dự một sự kiện ở trung tâm hỗ trợ người khuyết tật San Bernadino thì hai tay súng bất ngờ xuất hiện và nã đạn vào những người trong khán phòng.

CNN cho biết có khoảng 80 người tại sự kiện. 14 người thiệt mạng và 17 người bị thương trong vụ tấn công.

Hai nghi phạm được xác định là Farook, 28 tuổi, và vợ là Tashfeen Malik, 27 tuổi. Farook cũng có mặt tại sự kiện nhưng đã bỏ ra ngoài sau một cuộc cãi vã.

Y và Malik đều bị bắn hạ trong cuộc truy đuổi của cảnh sát vài giờ sau đó.

Trong xe hơi và nhà riêng của đôi vợ chồng này chứa hàng trăm băng đạn và các thiết bị nổ. Các nhà chức trách đang điều tra động cơ gây án của hai người và không loại trừ khả năng đây là một vụ khủng bố.

Anh Ngọc

12-04-2015, 06:36 PM
God rest her soul in peace!


http://hoiquanphidung.com/userupload/hqpd12_2015/Tin Nguyen_1449253661.jpg

12-05-2015, 02:53 AM
Hình nữ sát thủ
https://s1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/1HVauqRinwMnt_D5RI5TPw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3NfbGVnbztmaT1maWxsO2g9NTQwO2lsPXBsYW 5lO3B5b2ZmPTA7cT03NTt3PTk2MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/gma/us.abcnews.gma.com/ht_tashfeen_malik_float_jc_151204_16x9_992.jpg
First Photo of Female San Bernardino Shooter Tashfeen Malik (ABC News)