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08-07-2015, 08:25 AM
Off-Road Spider Car

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Watch this Amazing Off-Road Spider Car Show Four-Wheelers How It’s Done
Alex Lloyd
Editor at Large
August 3, 2015

http://hoiquanphidung.com/userupload/img/spider car_1438727711.jpg

Behold, the most brilliant machine you have ever seen — Swincar: part spider, part car.

Developed by French company Mecanroc, Swincar takes the concept of fully independent suspension to a whole new planet, incorporating the tilting of the driver’s cell to keep its pilot vertical while scaling, say, a rock face or a riverbed. Conversely, when tackling a flat turn at speed, the driver’s compartment leans into the bend not unlike a motorbike.

Each wheel is powered by its own electric motor — arriving with either 1 or 1.5 kW units. These are meshed with 2, 4 or 6 kWh batteries, the latter of which allows for around 4 hours of driving before requiring a recharge. Two- or four-wheel steering is available, and the company is now taking orders (although pricing information is not offered). Come October, the company’s website says you’ll also be able to purchase a two-seater Swincar.

So what we have here, then, is a giant mobile spider — the terrifying Shelob from Tolkien’s imagination — on wheels — if you will. As you can see in the video, it can literally go anywhere and looks to be incredibly good fun. What’s more, the company states it can incorporate skis rather than wheels for some off-piste action, and even tracks for more hardcore adventures.

Having already received a wealth of awards for its design, the team at Swincar is seeking investment to take it to the next level. Judging by how this thing rolls, finding funding shouldn’t be too tough a mountain to scale — allowing the French firm to web themselves a tidy niche in the off-road vehicular toy market.