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02-27-2015, 01:00 AM
(The New Legion Vol. 2: Vinh Truong: 9781426927447: Books ... Excerpt)

For more than three decades, I resisted thinking of myself as a veteran of the Vietnam War. I wanted to get on with my life and not be defined by that so sad story. However, obsessively about my years long meditations on the causes of Skull and Bones’ evils; At last, it was both an intellectual change of perspective and an emotionally satisfying experience to jettison the false guilt about the war that I had been carrying around for the most a half of century. Doing so has enabled me to relearn the values I was taught in my traditional culture of our country in my youth, to appreciate the sacrifices made by those Americans [freedom fighters] who have become eternally our fellow comrade in arm. And, on behalf of all Vietnamese, I thank the 58,000 Americans who so many years ago made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country’s liberty, democracy, and for unification became One Vietnam.
Most Americans, canvassed in the spring of 1965 as President L.B Johnson [under pressure of Skull and Bones] sent U.S combat troop into battle for the first-time supported the commitment After the war was over, however, American overwhelmingly repudiated the intervention as having been a blunder. But roughly the same proportion of the nation, hold in retrospect that, once involved, the U.S ought to have deployed all its power to succeed. Post-war opinion poll showed that American blame their political leaders for denying victory to the U.S forces in Vietnam by imposing restraints actions: intensifying the war effort too slow, refusing to approved incursion against enemy sanctuaries in Laos and Cambodia, giving the ARVN inadequate equipment, conceding to a cease-fire accord in 27/Jan/1973 that permit Hanoi’s troop to remain in the south.
A 1974 survey of generals who had commanded in Vietnam found that “almost 70 percent of the Army generals who managed the war were uncertain of its objectives.” Another survey conducted in 1980 for the veteran-administration disclosed that 82 percent of former U.S soldiers engaged in heavy combat there believe that the war was lost because they were not allowed to win. As we have seen, even generals who held commands in Vietnam admitted to uncertainty of that war’s objectives. In the book “Battle-Ready” General Tony Zinni (ret) page 422 having an excerpt “The tactics didn’t make sense and the personnel policies – such as one-year individual rotations instead of unit rotations in and out of country – were hard to comprehend.”
In short, if you finished this “The New Legion” master-piece, you will find out the significant of the CIP’s objective – not really the War in Vietnam but merely “A biggest U.S practiced in combat training campaign never had in the history of the United States of America.”
Nowadays, if someone would look at me and seem to say, “How in hell did South Vietnam screw it up? I had it right and I did it right and I fought and I understood and I left my country an incredible legacy, and now look at where I am!” It’s hard to escape the feeling “God, the Axis of Evil let my country down,” because the United States’ longest and least satisfactory, the war fought in the wrong way by a conspiracy of silence; it was badly led by Skull and Bones. I went through 13 years in the so called communist “Reeducation Camp” with serious pain and suffering, sacrificing a good part of my young adulthood for my country, in torture, fear, and isolation. I was sick; I was badly heart-wounded. Yet despite all these problems, I would do it again. I had to do it, fighting the Red Menace as merely freedom-fighter.
Therefore I must say today that the veterans of that lost war, Vietnamese and Americans, Australians and New Zealanders, Thais and South Koreans and all the others who supported our fight for freedom – we have “no cause for shame.” More than thirty years of misrule prove conclusively that we who opposed the Communist regime were right, because I am expecting with full optimistic about prospects – Eventually, “Once Vietnam embraces capitalism, democracy and the rule of law will follow.” As the freedom fighter, we preferred to compete ideologically, confident that the superiorities of the capitalist system would eventual prevail. As a result this long U.S’ diplomatic stratagem toward communist countries by the Permanent Government’s “implied consent will” likewise using hanging knots for them good mercies self perishable – but ending dictatorship in world wide. It is also clear that Permanent Government preferred to compete ideologically and economically with the Communist system than engage with the enemy militarily. P.G was supremely confident that the advantages of the Capitalist system would ultimately prevail, as long as a nuclear catastrophe could be avoided according two W A. Harriman’s masterpieces: book “Peace with Russia” (1959) and book “America and Russia in a Changing World” (1971) firmly means US ‘first’ and Russia ‘second’ world’s class-superpower in his scope.
In the past, 1917 performing with great élan, Lenin often reiterated that “Communism or Capitalism who won”, moreover he said “The capitalist was greedy and too stupid…his sheer idiocy to product more and more hanging knots in such for his self-hanging eventually.” The original K Marx and Lenin prophecy has long since 160 years, harangued that eventually the Capitalism should be eradicated. But the actual exerted-capitalist was much steady than Communist being abolition, non-survival and fall apart. In fact the United Stated came to Russia and Eastern Europe by economic trading such as Coca-Cola, Jean pant, Mac Donald…and to lift sanctions under the U.S “Freedom Support Act” and step by step transformed from ‘Government-Industries’ to ‘Private-Companies.’ There was a need to push for an overwhelming privatization of the economy, in increasing the society prosperity and communist party became weaker and weaker until completely collapse.
The stratagem “Eurasian Great Game” goal was “Central Asian states” Actually we found all these societies in a state of post-Soviet shock. After seventy years of communism, Kazalhs, Uzbeks, Kirghiz, Tajiks, Turkomans, and the other ethnic group in what had once been the Southern parts or Central Asia of the USSR had significant economic, security, political, and social problems. Now that the Communist-weight had been lifted from their backs, they were trying to figure out their true identity and search for the best way forward. Unsurprisingly, each looked at our new U.S involvement as a chance to gain the support they needed to make necessary changes. And, literally, the U.S was once again unwilling to invest in this new region of engagement due to the huge natural resources under a thick layer of snow.

Mysteriously, the magic in God’s commandment, in coincidence event on July 13, 1917 at Fatima, Our Lady told Sister Lucy that: “God is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church, and of the Holy Father” (Thereby too many questions had been raised regarding the ‘Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.) And to prevent this, I shall come to ask for the communions of reparation and for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart…In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, which will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”
Miraculously, Our Lady’s request is very simple: Russia – the fount of so much evil in the 20th Century – must be set apart and made sacred by its consecration to the Mother of God. And so why is it necessary to consecrate Russia in particular? Because God wills it; As Our Lady told Sister Lucy at Fatima: “Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not forehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation…” And Sister Lucy has explained that because Russia is a well-defined territory, the conversion of Russia after its consecration to the Immaculate Heart would be undeniable proof that the conversion resulted from the consecration and nothing else. The establishment in the world of devotion to the Immaculate Heart would thus be confirmed by God Himself in the most dramatic manner.
Once again, her word at Fatima, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucy at Tuy, Spain, on June 13, 1929, to say that:
The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.”
Thus, without the act of consecration there will be no conversion of Russia, and without the conversion of Russia, Russia’s errors will continue to infest the world, producing the persecution of the Church, the martyrdom of the good, the suffering of the Holy Father and ultimately the annihilation of nations forewarned at Fatima.
At last, “collapse of Communism” after the 1984 consecration ceremony show that Russia is beginning to convert and that the consecration must have been effective, despite its failure to mention Russia”
At early 1992, the Bolshevik’s Red flag flapping over the kremlin (The citadel of Moscow, housing the offices of the Soviet government) was been replaced by the National-Russia flag which disappeared from December, 22, 1917. The longest 75 years bloodshed event had been over. Now the New-World have been welcome the Commonwealth was born. The Soviet-totalitarian embassy was terminated in 1989 at Vietnam; Soviet aid 25, 2 billion-dollar, and Hanoi’ still owned 14, 4 billion. In five year-planning 1986-1990, Soviet aid 10, 8 billion; and next five year-planning 1991-1995, Hanoi didn’t have to pay a cent because Soviet was collapsed. At 1979 the so called China gave Hanoi a lesson (China attack Northern Vietnam) abruptly Hanoi announced to disregard to own the 30 billion China aid that China support to Hanoi started 1954. Finally Hanoi forgot all billion-aids, rapacious money from two patronages. All above Kissinger let Tho understood in a various secret meetings. Another words Russia and China didn’t gain nothing in this war. So who won? “Welfare US imperialism”
Bolsheviks, the totalitarian party that seized power and set up a proletarian dictatorship in Russia 1917-1922; Lenin seized the power closed-joining with Bolshevist formed a socialism group which supported the Russian revolution in 1917 and became The Russian Communist Party in 1918. With disastrous consequences, they formed an organization so called “the special assassination teams” to the rise of the bourgeoisie, beginning the bloodshed eve. These killer-teams were notorious named “TCHEKA”. From 1917 till 1923 about 10,861,586 were be killed. On March, 1, 1920, TCHEKA changed another name “the summit political bureau of Soviet Union.” From now on they become the Red demons headquarters with named NKGB, sometimes changed NKVD then MGB, and eventually KGB (Komite Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti) This system the Russians called the haunted witch hunt wizard – Men, women even children were slaughtered and Kolkhozy – the wide-spread slaughter of innocent peoples: One day on June, 14, 1941, Stalin ordered to move 480,000 Lithuania natives to Siberia that included 40,000 women and children were perils due to weather too cold starving. On August, 28, 1941, at “self-governed zone,” 600,000 habitants Volga those were forced to move to Siberia, in demolition. On February, 23, 1944, during just 24 hours, 900,000 habitants of republic self-governed Tchethenos and Engouches on zones Caucase were forced into domestic-animal-wagons and disappeared for good. On January, 30, 1933 more than one million Ukraine were slaughtered on the spot. Only one nightmare, January 30, 1933, 12,000 residents of city Visinysia were slaughtered by KGB and buried into few huge hollows and afterward demolished for the city plaza. From decade 1930 Communist Party transformed Russia become the giant prisons. Before October, 1917 Russia had 25 millions farmer-units, bringing to transform to communities Kolkhozy that Soviet Union manipulated organized 254,000 Kolkhozy. In reality, these were the New Eco-Reeducated Prisons controlled by KGB. Soviet Party dream reigned over the world by his KOMINTERN, controlled international by Soviet Communist Party. Communist around the world must in discipline with strictly apply with his 21 points regulation, regardless nationalism, racism…merely the instructed orders from Komintern. Ho Chi Minh then named Chen Vang Wong in Komintern 1945. In 1947, Komintern transformed to Kominform (Soviet international information agency)
In 1957, in the Axis of Evil, KGB cooperated with CIA [Harriman and Prescott Bush] to play the craps “On the strongman side”. Firstly influence to Soviet predominance by Khrushchev-fashion, expending 21 million-rubies the most to Hanoi and Havana. North Vietnam, the stronghold communist outpost in Asia; Cuba as a spearhead at western hemisphere: the U.S and Soviet war industries used for common causes in the “Cold-War”: Korea, Vietnam, and Middle East-Wars. It composed 70 percent steel for war industries that imported from United States business-owners but Soviet was manpower to cast off in production. You could see a huge war materiel when Hanoi overrun South Vietnam was credited by US loan money and manufactured by Russia-working-class. You could imaged two years after Paris Talk 1973, the Soviet have covertly shipped no less than 700,000 long tons of new batch military equipment, ammunition, and supplies to Hanoi in preparation for the very final campaign overrun South Vietnam, invasion in Cambodia, and counterattack against China. So why Hanoi didn’t pay a cent for this game instead of disaster and become the poorest country after the war. After Vietnam, the Soviet-fashioned influence became predominant over the worldwide. Soviet became a number-One world superpower meanwhile U.S became a pitiful, helpless giant (not at time to roll-back yet but in the stage [two decades] of manage the defeat for overhauling damage control) From Cuba at Western hemisphere, then Nicaragua seized the power developed National Liberation Front help the revolution at El Salvador. At Africa, Communist took over at north Yemen, Zambia, Somalia, Ethiopia, Angola, Mozambique, Congo, and the final of the craps is Afghanistan.

(The New Legion Vol. 2: Vinh Truong: 9781426927447: Books ... Excerpt)

03-01-2015, 08:29 PM
The one South-Vietnamese love to hate was a world’s magician in four decades (1920-1960) As for President Diem, in defense for freedom, “we will do all we can. We will give it all we’ve got…” But! In 1917 emerged a 27 year-old greatest strategist, I thought the world he made, deserved as I always assuming this Emperor-I of founding the Skull and Bones dynasty? It was both an intellectual change of perspective and an emotionally satisfying experience to jettison the false impression about the war that because “Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.” It is one of the most important promises made to God that I have kept! However all these pages of this chapter were my personal-perspectives as well as you might. In order to jettison the false guilt about that war, it was both an intellectual change of perspective and an emotionally satisfying experience that I had been carrying around for thirty-five years. We together are digging the truth by studying, examining, researching and think it over and over based on the numerous declassified documents, pictures published 2005, from National archives, verbatim statements, many original documents, 150 hours audio tapes recorder of Oval Office conversations, and recently 30,000 page-documents declassified at Nixon library, Yorba Linda, California, assimilated National Archives, during that war have been released. Throughout this time, many studies and research project have been performed by military and civilian historians and scholars, and many recent revelations have proven contradictory to previous prejudicial and hasty conclusion regarding the fall of Saigon. With their scam’ benefit of hindsight, it has become clearer that the U.S Permanent Government goals were more ambitious than a superficial, bogus military victory.
But God chose me to write this book. This isn’t hubris. I’m not saying this is an egotistical way. God didn’t choose me because I’m the greatest writer who ever lived. Just the fact that you are reading this is proof not just of God’s existence, but also of Her/His/Its beneficence. That’s right. I am not certain of God’s precise gender. But I am certain that She/He/Its chose me to write this “The New-legion.” However, if something in this book makes you laugh, it was God’s joke. If something makes your thoughtful meditation, it’s because God had a good point to make.
God said that The Emperor-II of the Company Dynasty [George-H-W-Bush] a key figure squandered a unique reign supreme in national unity. That instead of rallying the country around a program of mutual purpose and sacrifice, the Emperor-II cynically used the tragedy to solidify his political power and pursue an agenda that panders to his base and serves the interests of his corporate backers (Yale, Andover, Skull and Bones, and WIB members) not for the real-identified-nature of the U.S Capitalism. “American-First”
So I got my knees and prayed for guidance. “How, God, can I best do your work through this book? Who, dear Lord, is the audience for a book like this? And what’s a good title?”
A greatest strategist, W A Harriman, Emperor-I’ Skull and Bones dynasty, age twenty-seven and just four years out of Yale has his own ambitious last long in fifty two years as an US influential freewheeling diplomat and foreign policymaker. He himself became one of the most influential experts on Russia policy; He intended to compete ideologically [Karl Marx, 1818-1883; Lenin 1870-1924] and economically with the Communist system than engage directly with the enemies militarily. He foresaw supremely confident that the advantages of the Capitalist-system would ultimately prevail, as long as the Cold War took place because he was a notorious Cold War architect implied his two books.[Peace with Russia 1959, and America and Russia in a Changing World 1971, wishfully Russia was eternally in Second Superpower after U.S] He retired from public life at the same time L.B Johnson, as during the presidential election campaign of President Richard Nixon till in 1969, but he’s still been clinging in the shadow as a witch-hunt: Chairman Foreign Policy Task Force, Democratic National Committee, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, member American Academy of Diplomacy Charter, Skull and Bones Society till 1976 at age 85 – the focus of his clinging survey-attention on the “Eurasian Great Game” stratagem.
In coincidence 1917, W.A. Harriman took advantage of wartime demand and government contracts to jump into Shipbuilding, a vocation that escaped the shadow of his father’s huge reputation in railroading. Harriman built ships during the war, and after its conclusion began gathering a large fleet of merchant ships and liners. (Forty years later, his thoughtful repeated again in the Vietnam War introduced by the CIP in 1960 for developed “Jet-transport-building” airplanes, a large air-fleet for U.S Civilian-airline and Jet Engine for Helicopter in production 10,000 Huey-Bell-Iroquois) Consolidated in 1920 under the name United American Lines. Central of these sweeping ambitions was a deal with Germany’s once-proud Hamburg-American Line, now in postwar disarray. Harriman and his colleague George H. Walker would supply Hamburg-American with warships if it would act as the European agent for Harriman’s own shipping lines.
After the Korea-War, to enhance the mobility of a growing nation, his Skull and Bones dynasty’s dream originated from 1919 on an Army-convoy from Washington D.C to San Francisco, a journey that took 62 days. His real good opportunity in nation during a peace time to create economical growth, great open-jobs were been developed. On June 29, 1956 these Wise-Men coaxed Congress into letting them took President Eisenhower signed the historic legislation: “The national highway systems” The WIB Bones’ a lucrative business in peace time in contrast war time as the Shipbuilding and Air-Jet-building.
As the 1920s unfolded, Harriman, Rockefeller, and Stanley represented a study in youth, riches, connections, and the hubris of emerging elite. Coincidence is an unlikely explanation of either the Harriman firm’s global ambition or its 1920s dominance by Skull and Bones.
After World War-I, W.A Harriman to run an ambitious set of investments about to be cobbled together in the postwar political maelstrom of 1920s Germany and Russia. Over two decades, father-in-law Walker helped steer Prescott Bush to the top of what became the Brown Brothers Harriman of mid-century. Harriman along with Prescott Bush financed the German Nazis’ rise to power, beginning with multimillion dollar transactions to Fritz Thyssen. Their financial activities with the Nazis continued during and after the war, upon which these assets were liquidated in favor of Prescott Bush. This was the beginning of the Bush family fortune. Prescott Bush went from a humble tire-salesman, to a multimillionaire – rich, full of Yale Skull and Bones and WIB members, London-linked, politically influential, and intimately wired through several of its top partners to the postwar birthing of the CIA. During the first half of the twentieth century, the United States had evolved its own version of “Permanent Government” akin to the British model. Although this establishment [Skull and Bones Dynasty] peaked from the 1920s through the 1960, its influence lingered to George-I [George H.W Bush] critical advantage till 2,008.
This Dynasty used “OSS, CIA” as a sharp violence tool showing or caused by physical force that intended to hurt or kill [violent crime] and the “Mass-Media” was the mainstream tool of communicating with large numbers of people, especially radio, television, newspapers, schools, universities, Hollywood, and even few times urging the employee strikes, antiwar movement for starting the rumor to pressurized over the then acting government administrative. This shrewd malicious politician who deserved it was the founder of Skull and Bones [triumvirate: W. A Harriman, Prescott Bush and George H W Bush]
Thereby the groundwork went back generations. The smart intelligent youthful George H.W Bush would have heard his father and grandfather discussing their employer [Harriman firm’s] 1920 Russian Central Asian manganese and oil adventures, the financial proceeds of which were administered through 1930 in U.S corporations named Georgian Manganese, Barnsdall, and Russian Finance and Construction. Reader and me, we must remember that Soviet Georgia on the Black Sea, with huge deposits of manganese needed for weapons-grade steel, was a mere four hundred miles from Iraq. The Baku oil fields were about the same distance. For strategist W A Harriman, George H Walker and Prescott Bush stance; be motivated by greed in their thought why not initiated a stratagem that so called “Eurasian Great Game?” joint with the WIB member (War Industries Board) is a crucial important component that has the full support of their war-games or merchant of death. They will arrogate the CIP in Vietnam-war in their greedy for developing war industries self-interest. Once more time against the wishes of the U.S government
Harriman, American financier and diplomat who held a number of public offices, typically ambassador to the USSR 1943-1946, was most proud of the fact that when 1917, on his advice, the United States gave the Russia government under Aleksandr-Kerensky a $325 million credit, to be spent on war materiel from the United States. These, it would turn out, would be the more controversial enterprises. Saint-Louis Newspapers described George H Walker in awed terms as the man responsible for assembling W.A Harriman’s Overseas-Empire. And from 1917 to 1918 Samuel Bush, prominent in Ohio railroading as well as steel, he served on the “War Industries Board” where he was in charge of the forgings, guns, small arms, and ammunition section and later the facilities division (that I remind you of about political, social unrest to over World-Wars because this WIB’ ambitious organization) A Harriman finished with shipbuilding kept his financial stakes in Brown Brothers Harriman and his other investments but jumped into the New Deal by working with two formers WIB officials, Hugh Johnson and Herbert Bayard Swope, in the National Recovery Administration in New York and then Washington. He went on to become F D Roosevelt’s emissary to Churchill and Lend-Lease administrator, then ambassador to Russia, ambassador to Britain, and, after W.W II, secretary of commerce and mutual security administrator. Unsurprisingly, the ghost of A Harriman was queried about his plan for the war-industry as well as queried about covert operations (Vietnam, mainland China, Indonesia, against post-1960 Cuba….) and his own predilection for armaments, would probably just chuckle.

03-25-2015, 05:59 AM
Here some testified-proof-evidences: Harriman as Lend-Lease expediter “to keep the British Islands afloat” He deliberately reports directly to the White House, thus bypassing the American ambassador and the State Department. He acted on this personal level for three decades (February 1941 through 1969 the end of L.B Johnson administrative) attending all of the wartime conferences and twice going on missions to arrange increased aid to the Soviet Union for the second chunk of EurAsian Great Game (His mastermind’ scam for the Axis of Evil cooperated with the enemy so that in 1960s, President Kennedy and Johnson in pursuit of probing Russia connected companies which were subjected to be seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act. They thought, The Skull and Bones couldn’t “throwing sand in the umpire’s face”. Suddenly, Attorney General Robert Kennedy fell to an assassin’s bullet in 1968 similar case with his older brother; J.B. Johnson announced on TV gave-up for reelection) It was an intellectual change of my perspective, and seemed surrogate the war from Middle Europe to Asia. Two players engaged the Axis of Evil with the craps “CIP counter NLF.” in Vietnam-War. Therefore, shortly, in October 1943 Harriman influenced President Roosevelt must appointed him Ambassador to Russia (1943-1946) for arranging prewar-production in loan credit from U.S. dollar by stratagem “Aid to Russia 1941-46”: “Jet fighter” test-development in ‘Korea-War’, and also “Jet transport”, and Air-Ground defense missile in ‘Vietnam-War’ which stood for U.S-campaign to combat troops training exercise there.
Meanwhile in Asia, the OSS persuaded Ho Chi Minh engaged in covert operation as of Service of War Information at Kunming, Yannan China in 1943 – for war preparedness. The CIA transforms from OSS, already carried out to evacuate Chiang Kai-Shek’s followers to Taiwan in 1949 by CATS. In 1954 CIA re-supplied encircled French paratroopers at Dien Bien Phu, then in 1958 supported a coup attempt against Indonesian strongman Sukarno. In Korea-War, Harriman’s assurance that Russians wouldn’t intervene in Korea-War by Russian ground-troop unless merely LAB-testing space for “Jet fighter” in beginning Jet engine generation (Russia: MIG-15, 17 and U.S: F-84, 86) and a supporter of General Mac Arthur’s bold plan for an amphibious operation at Inchon, Korea. His policymaker was to assure General Arthur that President Truman was trying to meet his troop requirements, while impressing on him the administration’s concern that committing too many divisions in Asia would leave Europe vulnerable to Soviet attack, and to impress on Mac-Arthur that Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-Shek) must not be encouraged to initiate a war with the People’s Republic of China (PRC, Communist China)
Because for the U.S. triangular diplomacy and realpolitik successfully will achieved the intended goals: two decades of closed door hostility (1952-1972) the Sino-U.S. normalization will process began, and the two countries set up liaison offices in each other’s capital cities, in bringing PRC to United Nations member; finally the objective was thereafter many giant U.S. corporations mustered themselves into the PRC and bilateral trade improved throughout the decade. The U.S. market was surely inundated with products made in China. The elite capitalists were very happy to exploit the huge, profitable market in China. Consequently America should eliminate the “Second-Class” in America society.
Harriman played an important role when the war turned against the United Nations forces (U.S forces under controlled to U.N) At a crucial NSC meeting on November, 28, 1950 A- Harriman challenged President Truman to assert his leadership toward the interest of WIB. Truman has to respond by accelerating NSC-68, “U.S. Objectives and Programs for National Security” recommendations for vastly expanding U.S defense spending and rearmament, likewise in Iraq-War, President George-II signed a bill for “New generation of weapons in future combat system for Army alone cost 200 billion dollar. Harriman also played a prominent role in Truman’s decision to fire Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson. He greatly admired Johnson’s successor, his subordinate General of the Army George C Marshall.
Harriman was the author of the presidential order aimed at curbing General Mac Arthur’s public criticism of the Truman administration’s war policies by requiring all policy statements to be approved in advance by the administration. General Arthur’s subsequent letter to Republican House Minority Leader Joseph Martin made public on April 5, 1951, led to President Truman’s meeting with Harriman, Secretary Acheson, Secretary Marshall and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Omar Bradley. Shortly, Harriman advised that General Arthur be fired immediately, though Truman hesitated in stalemate. After further consultation Truman agreed. Harriman, right away drafted the dismissal announcement. This I concluded Harriman was indeed a Permanent President of the United States, at least from Franklin D. Roosevelt through Lyndon B. Johnson – no U.S. president liked this totalitarian-disguised “Emperor-I” of Skull and Bones Dynasty. “That’s blackmail” the use of threats to put pressure on a president or his cabinet. Harriman’s crucial reason was placing blame squarely on U.S. administration.
From the power structure that emerged in World War I and reached the height of prestige during the Second World War and the two following decades was obviously far more than just a social phenomenon, Groups like Skull and Bones were a clubby symptom but hardly a driving force part of the new establishment came from the organization and hierarchies of national mobilization that had been established during the two wartimes – years that, quite simply, had realigned the world. There were the broad tracks along which Harriman and Bush families climbed, financially and politically. Over the years they let the family to an involvement with the mainstays of the twentieth-century American national security state: finance, oil and energy, the federal government, the so-called military-industrial complex, and the CIA, the National Security Agency, and the rest of the intelligence community.
Unsurprisingly they created a formation so-called WIB (War Industries Board) and dominated by The Six Wise-men they made the World such as: Averell Harriman, E.Roland Harriman, Robert A Lovett, Artemus Gates, James Forrestal, and Prescott Bush. All these figures that some chronicles have profiled the 1917-1960, emergence of “the Wise Men” and others in terms of links forged at universities and clubs, not least the Skull and Bones hegemony at Brown Brothers Harriman. The WIB experience was a watershed event…creating a community of interests and shared experiences. The WIB later recalled, with only some exaggeration, that “the War Industries Board of the United States had in the end a system of concentration of commerce, industry, and all powers of government that was without compare among all the other nations, friend or enemy, involved in the World War” So why their policies engaged with the enemies, are focused on narrow interests and as a result have too little vision of the vast potential for achievements at home and abroad, for the United States under the kind of leadership we deserve.
But quite literally, Prescott Bush spent the first two decades of his financial career in the company of people whose actions and ideas would shape the War Department, the OSS, the CIA, and other pivots of the emerging U.S national security complex. Certainly we do know “the War Department was directed by tiny clique of wealthy Republican, and one that was almost as narrowly based, in social and educational terms, as a traditional British Tory Cabinet”

W.A. Harriman to run an ambitious set of investment about to be cobbled together in the postwar political maelstrom of 1920s Germany and Russia. Over twenty years, father-in-law Walker helped steer Prescott Bush, from a humble tire-salesman to the top of what became the Brown Brothers Harriman of mid-century – to a multimillionaire, full of Yale University Skull and Bones-men, London-linked, politically influential, and intimately wired through several of its top partners to the postwar birthing of the CIA. During the first half of the twentieth century, W.A Harriman transformed the United States to be evolved its own version of “Permanent -Government” akin to British model. Although this establishment peaked from the 1920 [Harriman’s Eurasian Great Game] through the 1969 [Harriman retired from public life before he setting up the frame-work to donate Saigon to Hanoi regime like a great gift normalized by Paris Peace Talk negotiation – axiom-1 done] its influence lingered to second Skull and Bones generation, George H.W Bush’s critical advantage.
This, we must keep in mind, is the cutthroat context into which William A. Harriman, George H. Walker, and their New York financial allies jumped in 1922 when – against the wishes of the U.S government – they contracted to refurbish the once lucrative oil fields of the Russian Caucasus. But the bold venture failed in part because of political unrest in the Baku region. Foreign concession, like that at the Barnsdall Corporation, were withdrawn by 1925 After eight decades of Harriman and Bush family experience, even the born-again George-I of the late 1980s were happy to take investment dollars from oil sheikhs. Moral rhetoric notwithstanding, petroleum needs and armaments buildups have been important factors and motivators in two wars; not incidentally, they have also been pillars of Skull and Bones dynasty crony-advancement. Oil, in particular, has long been a linchpin for defense and national security elites. With the arrival of George-II in the White House, it was again immediately plain that secret intelligence would receive a high status and more money. While the CIA may have been the creation of a Democratic W.A. Harriman, [President Harry Truman] it nowadays seemed to be strongly favored by Republicans, notably conservative Republicans and especially the Bushes. But these sounds were soon drowned out by the deafening roar of 9/11.
Some chroniclers have profiled the 1917-1960 emerge of “The Wise Men” and others in terms of links forged at universities and clubs, not least the Skull and Bones hegemony at Brown Brothers Harriman (William A. Harriman) [in online http://www.answers.com/topic/w-averell-harriman, page 3] Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men: Six Friends and the world They made, 1986 the same year W.A Harriman passed away. Their goal is that “This conjunction of an immense Military Establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, and even spiritual – is felt in every where in companies, business areas, every office of the Federal Government. Americans recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet Americans must not fall to comprehend its grave implications.
But in my perception, the First emperor of Skull and Bones lasted from 1917 until 1969 and the Second emperor from 1969 till November 19, 2006 at 2:19pm. While it’s perfectly delightful to have been so thoroughly vindicated for predictive posts like “Republican Death Rattle” “Skull and Bones Death Rattle” because inhumanity for the death merchandise
“War Industries Board Death Rattle” But who were Six Wise Men? (1) W.A Harriman (2) E. Roland Harriman (3) Robert A Lovett (4) Artemus Gates (5) James Forrestal (6) Prescott Bush
However, the argument for an elite at least partly shaped by war priorities and mobilization service seems almost as compelling. In later years the WIB (War Industries Board) experience was a watershed event… creating a community of interests and shared experiences, an early forerunner of the WIB, later recalled, with only some exaggeration, that the WIB of the United States had in the end a system of concentration of commerce, industry, and all the powers of government that was without compare among all the other nations, friend or enemy, involved in the World War. Its policy means “Foes become Friend and Friend became foes!”
More popular in Texas than in most others states, the Vietnam War in Vietnam drew on this hawkish-warlord [War Industries Board]. However, the strategic sophistication of Texan presidents has not matched their strut. If anything, the gap between the two has brought problems. The embarrassment Americans suffered in Southeast Asia helped to set the scene for U.S involvement in Iraq. [In my perception, the Iraq and Vietnam-Wars is defined “Two Different Wars One Destructive Parallel” in contrast with US Company-dynasty meant “A quiet Victory.” Because the Vietnam War got its principal definition from Texan, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, and the resultant “Vietnam syndrome” later served as a goad to the Texan Bushes, the continuities are important. Vietnam was another growing source of tension within the Kennedy administration. Once again, Washington hard-liners pushed for an escalation of the war, seeking the full scale military confrontation [for CIP] with communist enemy that Kennedy, a warrior of peace, had denied them in Cuba and other Cold-War battlegrounds. President Diem and Kennedy concurred to bring about South Vietnam, and Kennedy would have withdrawn, realizing that “it was South Vietnam’s war and the people there had to win it… We couldn’t win the war for them.”
“So we had better make damned sure that I’m re-elected,” Kennedy told Kenneth- O’Donnell, his loyal White House aide. He was equally outraged at his national security adviser [Mc-George Bundy, Skull and Bones 40] while he famously took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs debacle in public, especially at the CIA, threatening to ‘Shatter the agency into pieces and scatter it to the winds.’ He intended to withdraw completely from Vietnam after he was safely re-elected in 1964. Should the CIP’ scam be aborted? J.F Kennedy’s strenuous effort to keep the country at peace in the face of equally ardent pressure from Skull and Bones’ warlord caste to go to war like Iraq, President Kennedy again and again and again found a way to sidestep war.
Quite literally, the Skull and Bones or the warlord in WIB is greedily thirsty for war. In contrast, world’s impressed civilization is that the people of United States are nice people. Everywhere in the world, people are good. The people of the US are also seeking peace, love, friendship and justice. Because humanitarianism, spirituality, rationalism, and logic are excellent things for human being -Why should we go for hostilities? Why more conflict? Why should we develop weapons of mass destruction? Everybody can love one another. Everyone hates aggression, and they hate bullying strategies, and they hate violation of the rights of nations and discrimination. The United States can run the world through logic. Each nation is living its own lives. The US [Permanent Government] government should not interfere in their internal affairs; let they should live their own lives. Then there would be no problems with that. Problems cannot be solved through bombs. Bombs are little use today. People need logic and friendship. However, the Skull and Bones dynasty greedily are focused on narrow interests and as a result have too little vision of the vast potential for achievement at home land and abroad.
After took a break since World War II, the Skull and Bones dynasty [Harriman’s First Skull and Bones’ generation] continued the Eurasian Great Game stratagem. Because isn’t they had needed American assistance in order to prevail; Meanwhile some 300,000 American troops were stationed in West Germany precisely because NATO could not stave off Soviet or Warsaw Pact aggression without American help, while in South Korea there were 50,000 American troops positioned specifically to help that country deal with any aggression from north. And nobody suggested that, because they needed such American assistance, the armed forces of West Germany or South Korea should be ridiculed or reviled. I don’t think these actions were fair-reasonable; for me, these facts secured the low cheap-payment toward work-class from two great nations Russia and China for the prospect of long decades later, because who pay should be a creditor in ‘command and control’. So why leader of Skull and Bones [Harriman] urged President Truman to assert Mac Arthur leadership and drafted dismissal announcement from his command for “unauthorized policy statements” was the same reason Westmoreland hungrily to destroy Ho Chi Minh trail: “Naturally the objective was clear in significance do not destroy China because of stratagem “Eurasian Great Game.” But Vietnam and Iraq will be the major man-made, or artificial disasters by its conspiracies “Two Different Wars, One Destructive Parallel” according Carl Von Clausewitz (1780-1831) once said: “Policy is the guiding intelligence and war only the instrument, and not vice versa.” Sadly, this theory explains US policy toward Iraq and Vietnam. In turn US economic boosted by the dollar in death-merchandise productions. A “quiet victory” of this war signified an augmentation of new words in English vocabulary dictionary: “Killing-Field” - “Voted with Theirs Feet” - “Reeducation-Camp” - “Boat-People”! Who dare accepted it?
At terminated epoch in Eurasian Great Game, the WIB once again stirred the surrogate war from Asia to Middle-East. The Skull-warlord [WIB) must again have done something as witching war – Vietnam the so called “Maddox-Event” and Iraq-II, so called the “WMD.” The US have discovered dozens of WMD-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nation during the inspections that began in late 2002, gotten itself stuck in a quagmire, as the New York Times’ Johnny Apple wrote in his front-page analysis of the war, just like Vietnam all over again. It was the press’s Vietnam reflex, and one was increasingly being hit with it. American never did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and North Vietnam didn’t attack US Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin at all. [Do you believe, “SOG’ first covet attack on U.S.S Maddox in the so called “Gulf of Tonkin Incident” on North Vietnam would be led by Norwegians. Scandinavians-Caucasian at the throttles of a covert boat in Asian waters flew in the face of plausible denial – How could a Norwegian possibly explain his attacking the coast of North Vietnam? SOG Nasty boats used for operations against the North Vietnamese coast – These boats still have markings and are flying the U.S flag. When used against North Vietnam, all markings and the flag were removed]
Although, US found old artillery shells with traces of Sarin-gas and other chemical or biological stockpiles we thought we would discover there. September 11 changed our nation one more time of focus much the way Pearl Harbor did. Consequently, yet George W Bush still won reelection. In 2004, voters who worried about terrorism and keeping America safe voted overwhelmingly to reelect President, despite our failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and also despite numerous attacks on the President for deceiving our nation and lying our way into war. We live today in an era of danger much like the Cold War.
For decades later, as the war in Iraq began, the New York Times turned its focus to the protesters against the war: The story described what the leaders of the 1960s anti-Vietnam War protest were doing today as the nation once again was at war. It filled readers in on the activities of the folk singer Pete Seeger, movie star Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, Tom Hayden, Martin Sheen, Mark Ruffalo (Photo AFP/Getty Images) was shown in a 1972 picture captioned, “Experienced Old Hand” Some of them at age weary in body and mind don’t seem to be as interested in hearing their basically antiwar views as others, and yet the majority seem comforted hearing those views expressed by someone they grew up hearing express those views. To those opposed the Iraq-War under the headline: “Israel. U.S, UK; The Axis of Evil,” “Wall Street richer and richer” “Lower student fee” “No more bomb” “No to U.S war on Terrorist.” They’re energized and organized. But can U.S antiwar protesters survive their own diversity? Voices of outrage…
