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View Full Version : France ready to participate in Iraq airstrikes

09-10-2014, 07:39 PM
https://s.yimg.com/nn/fp/rsz/091014/images/smush/french-air-force_635x250_1410371027.jpg (http://hsrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=Au3VDlbo4ap1pz7uoD6OhCCbvZx4;_ylc=X3oDMTlpZzR ua3FmBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxNDA5MTAgbmV3cyBmcmFuY 2UgSVNJUyBzdHJpa2VzIHQEYWlkA2lkLTM1MTA2NDAEY2NvZGU DZ2EEY3BvcwMzBGQDc3QEZWQDMQRnA2I0ZjJlNmU4LWI1ZmUtM zZmMS05OTJmLTVjMzgzYzdhYzM0NgRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBGx 0eHQDRnJhbmNlcmVhZHl0b3Rha2VwYXJ0aW5JcmFxYWlyc3Rya WtlcwRwa2d0AzEEcGtndgM0BHBvcwMxBHIDRGVPbFY4QVZBcHF JUFIwRGVPcytMVTJFalQxTmFJVStRQT09BHNlYwN0ZC1mZWEEc 2xrA2ltYWdlBHRhcgNuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbQR0ZXN0AzkwMQR 3b2UDMjQzNDMxMg--/RV=1/RE=1411586907/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cDovL25ld3MueWFob28uY29tL2ZyYW5jZS1pbnNpc3R zLW5hbWUtbWlkZWFzdC1leHRyZW1pc3RzLTE0NTYyMzk1Mi5od G1s/RS=%5EADAs7aCk1H6RDBv.wT.ND475ClwdiA-)

The country says it would join a U.S.-led military and financial coalition to fight the Islamic State.

PARIS (AP) — France offered Wednesday to take part in airstrikes against extremist fighters in Iraq if needed, but insisted on a more careful tack for Syria.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called for international mobilization against militants from the Islamic State group, which he called "this transnational danger that could reach all the way to our soil."
The French gesture came before President Barack Obama is expected to outline Washington's plans for fighting Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq. France, which has pushed for action against militants in Iraq and Syria, has said it would join a U.S.-led coalition but has been cautious about what role it would play.The French president and foreign minister are going to Iraq on Friday, and France is hosting an international conference Monday on Iraq. "We will participate, if necessary, in military air action" in Iraq, Fabius said, according to a text provided by the French Foreign Ministry.