View Full Version : QF-16's first unmanned flight

04-22-2014, 12:49 PM
Hoa kỳ thử nghiệm thành công chuyến bay F-16 không người lái.

This little 4 minute Boeing video is really something. A first, for a full size jet airplane. Thousands of planes that were grave yard bound, with costs in the hundreds of millions, now can be used as never before. These F-16 aircraft have been in the bone yard at Davis-Monthan for 15 years and are now being used as drones!

http://video.boeing.com/services/player/bcpid1173939806001?bckey=AQ%7E%7E%2CAAAAukPAlqE%7E %2CoAVq1qtdRjwBrIkHYj2MSytJiEK9s5fy&bclid=0&bctid=2684464741001

TAM73F sưu-tầm